Let’s face it; the days when you had to work for the same company for the term of your natural life are over. And once you start your chosen career it can be hard enough to find a company that you want to stay with long enough to get long-service leave, let alone to earn a gold watch.
Changing careers is about more than simply finding a new job; it’s about finding a new occupation and a career path that will meet your expectations both now and in the future. It’s a tempting option if you’re:
- Looking to earn more money
- Seeking more, or less, responsibility
- Want to change your hours or working conditions
- Or simply looking for a change.
But how will you know if you’re actually ready for a career change?
We asked our team of career coaches to provide feedback based on the ‘symptoms’ experienced by the clients they work with every day. Here’s their list of the top 10 signs that you’re ready for a career change.
1. You wake up every day dreading going to work.
2. You’re feeling unmotivated at work and your performance declines.
3. You’re bored while at work more often than you’re not.
4. You consider your “To do” or task list and none of it excites you or is challenging. You’ve run out things to learn and your work becomes a chore. You do the minimum of what’s required, and you do it begrudgingly.
5. You start thinking negative thoughts when new things are introduced.
6. You start to experience physical symptoms like disrupted sleep and being tired all the time. This leads on to using up your sick days quickly.
7. Your attitude towards your work changes and you feel annoyed a lot while you’re working. In fact, things you used to enjoy irritate you and “ground hog day” becomes a reality.
8. You no longer care that you are in an open plan office and people can see that you’re looking for jobs on seek.com
9. Your lunch breaks get longer and longer.
10. You get Monday-itis on a Friday night.
Can you relate to any or all of the signs listed above?
Then you’re ready to change career, or at least to review the options!
If you need help to make your career change happen, contact us and schedule a career coaching session.
Let’s Talk Career provides career guidance and coaching services in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane & Far North Queensland, Perth and Auckland.
Email us today to discuss your Career Coaching needs on info@letstalkcareer.com or
Freecall: 1800 284 255 or (03) 8686 9102 to make an appointment. We’re happy to answer all your questions.
We would be delighted for you to reproduce our articles, as long as they remain intact and contain the author’s details as follows: Kris Reynolds is Managing Partner at Let’s Talk Career (www.letstalkcareer.com) in Australia. Kris can be contacted on 1800 284 255 or kris@letstalkcareer.com.